E-cigs: Vaping and the effects it has on your health.

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Do you know what’s in your teen’s Vape?

One of the greatest public health successes in decades has been the reduction of widespread cigarette use in our country. For the most coveted demographic by major tobacco companies - teenagers - daily cigarette use is one third of what it once was in the 1970’s. This was accomplished by informing the youth and parents about the short and long term dangers of cigarette smoking.

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Now we are facing another health crisis for our youth that takes the form of vaping or e-cigarettes and a similar type of wake up call is needed. E-cigarettes are suddenly the new, popular but dangerous trend with candy flavors, low prices and the trendy nickname of “vaping”.

A new strategy is necessary to inform people of the dangers of e-cigarettes and vaping and dispel the rumors that it is safer than cigarettes. The business model of marketing e-cigarettes to our youth is a multi-million dollar business that ignores the serious health hazards that are inherent with this habit.

As the saying goes, if you can’t pronounce it - don’t eat it. We would add if you can’t pronounce it then don’t inhale it. Some of the ingredients that are a by-product of vaping that you don’t see in the glitzy advertising are trimethylpyrazine, malic acid, beta ionone, acetaldehyde, ethylpyrazine, propylene glycol, diethylene, formaldehyde and glycol. These are NOT ingredients of a cleaning solvent, but rather ingredients which have been found in e-juice which is the flavored liquid that is heated and vaporized in an e-cigarette. E-juice producers market their products by using catchy phrases like “Smurf Cake” “Muffin Man” and “Sin-A-Bun”

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Our goal in offering the newsletter to the residents of Mahwah is not to use scare tactics, but rather to provide accurate and factual information about issues related to e-cigarettes and vaping. The Mahwah Police Department and Mahwah Municipal Alliance take the health and well being of our youth, the future leaders of tomorrow, very seriously and e-cigarettes are becoming a concern on many different levels for us.

I hope you find this newsletter informative with valuable information that will start the conversation about the dangers and health issues related to e-cigarettes and vaping.

James N. Batelli

Chief of Police, Mahwah Police Department

What are the top dangers for NJ youth when vaping and using e-cigarettes?

Vaping and e-cigarettes have rapidly emerged as significant health concerns for youth, posing a myriad of dangers. First and foremost, these devices expose young individuals to the addictive properties of nicotine, potentially leading to long-term dependence. The allure of flavored e-liquids entices many teenagers to try vaping, unaware of the harmful effects on their developing brains and bodies. Additionally, the inhalation of harmful chemicals, such as formaldehyde and acrolein, puts youth at risk of respiratory problems and irreversible lung damage. The lack of strict regulations on manufacturing and marketing makes it easier for minors to access these products, exacerbating the adolescent vaping epidemic. Educating youth about the dangers and implementing preventative measures are crucial in safeguarding their health and well-being against the harms of vaping and e-cigarettes.

Please download our Vaping Newsletter for all the facts and information you need to talk with your kids about the dangers of e-cigarettes.