Mahwah Substance Abuse Program

What Our Program Does
The Mahwah Substance Abuse Program provides children with the skills needed to recognize and resist the subtle and overt pressures that cause them to experiment with drugs or become involved in gangs or violent activities.  The curriculum includes a basic introduction to the term “drugs” and their health effects, including tobacco, marijuana, and alcohol.  The term “Peer Pressure” is introduced and students learn about the consequences of the choices they make.  Age appropriate “real life” scenarios are used to encourage discussions about making positive decisions. 

Additionally, the Mahwah Substance Abuse Program succeeds at presenting police in a positive role, contrasting the more commonly purveyed images of police only as law enforcement.  By utilizing this approach, children establish opportunities for communication and see police as a positive community presence.  In this respect, the program works to help children recognize police as a first choice for help and assistance when confronted with challenging social situations. 

Mahwah Substance Abuse Program Target Audience
In Mahwah, the Mahwah Substance Abuse Program core curriculum begins in the 5th grade at Joyce Kilmer School, taught once per week by Mahwah officers.  The curriculum is followed up in the 7th grade at the Ramapo Ridge Middle School, as part of the students’ Health classes, again for a 10 week period.  A third wave of instruction is targeted at the 10th grade, at Mahwah High School, incorporated into the Driver’s Education class. 

Participant Cost
The program is free to all students.

What You Can Do 
If you want to get involved in Mahwah Substance Abuse Program programs, you may contact us directly at