September is Suicide Awareness Month

September is Suicide Awareness Month

September 2016 is also known as National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month which helps promote resources and awareness around the issues of suicide prevention, how you can help others and how to talk about suicide without increasing the risk of harm.

Lock Your Rx Stock: Help Prevent Drug Abuse

Lock Your Rx Stock: Help Prevent Drug Abuse

When there are any visitors in your house, your medicine cabinet can be open game for drug thieves. In fact, 70% of drug addicts reported that they started their addiction to prescription medications from family, friends and strangers’ medicine cabinets.

MMA Town Hall Meeting: Heroin Epidemic Video Presentation

MMA Town Hall Meeting: Heroin Epidemic Video Presentation

Thank you for visiting the MMA and we're now proud to present the full-length video of our 2015 Town Hall Meeting which discusses the Heroin Epidemic we are grappling with in Northern NJ and within Bergen County.

Prescription Drug and Heroin Epidemic - Education Program

Prescription Drug and Heroin Epidemic - Education Program

A dramatic increase in overdose deaths and the abuse of heroin and prescription painkillers have become an epidemic. In Mahwah, like other municipalities in New Jersey and across the nation, we are facing an urgent public health crisis in overdose deaths, and the abuse of heroin and other prescription pain killers.

Teenage Drinking - A Town Hall Meeting

Teenage Drinking - A Town Hall Meeting

Please join us for a conversation and panel discussion on the realities of underage drinking. This is the first Mahwah town hall meeting discussing teenage drinking and it will be an informative evening.